Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Asparagus Casserole - Recipe
The holidays are fast approaching which means it's nearly time to break out the pots and pans for Thanksgiving cooking. One of my favorite holiday dishes is Asparagus Casserole. I am the queen of easy cooking so once again, this is a very fast and simple recipe to make.
2 cans of asparagus with juice
5 boiled eggs - sliced
1 bag of shredded cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Mix some asparagus juice with the cream of mushroom soup to thin it out a little.
Place a layer of asparagus on the bottom of a small baking dish
Cover with a layer of sliced boiled eggs.
Add a layer of cream of mushroom soup
Cover with shredded cheese
Bake for 30 minutes or until warm in the center.
Berry Merry Cellulite Cream & Age Defense Eye Cream - Review
When I opened the cellulite cream the first thing that I noticed was the smell. It reminds me of something but I can't figure out exactly what it is. It's a fruity smell, not a horrible medication smell. I kinda like it a little. It goes on smooth like lotion and my skin is so soft after I apply it. I no longer have to apply moisturizer in the areas that I use the cream. I have used different creams in the past that made my skin feel tight and sticky..tight because it felt like my skin was covered in a layer of glue. That is not the case with this cream. My skin does feel tighter but in a stronger way. It feels like my skin is healthy, like it was when I really the age that I claim to be. I have also noticed that my skin is thicker, again in a healthy way. All of my blood vessels are no longer on display. -It happens..don't judge. I'm sure that Brooke Shields has some cellulite and blemishes, she just doesn't own her's like I do. I can't get over how soft my skin is now. I haven't been using it for a long period of time but I really can see results. My skin is smoother overall. This cream contains caffeine, retinol and seaweed which aid in firming the skin.
I also started the eye cream on the same day. I normally wash with an exfoliating wash and apply tightening cream, vitamin serum, sunscreen and eye cream. It takes a while to hit it all. I put all of that on the shelf and started using the Body Merry cream. I continued to use my exfoliating wash before. I am very pleased with the eye cream. It has worked as well as the eye cream I used in the past and is much more affordable. I love finding a new product that works great and saves me a little money :) It is the same as the cellulite cream..no strong odor, no sticky feeling, no negatives that I have found. I am loving this brand and look forward to trying more products from them in the future.
If you are interested in purchasing either of these products you do so by visiting their listings on Amazon. I have provided the links to each below for your convenience.
Cellulite cream: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N4UXI6G/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Eye Cream:
With both of these products listed below $20 I don't think you will find a better deal, not for a product that truly works as they say it should.
Figuring It Out As We Go received this product for free or at a
discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased
review. The opinions stated are those of Figuring It Out As We Go
and do not reflect the views or opinions of the sponsoring company,
Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube or any
additional sites that may host this review. All products reviewed by
Figuring It Out As We Go are tested and reviews contain an honest
opinion of the results. Figuring It Out As We Go makes no guarantees
on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience.
Figuring It Out As You Go does not offer medical advice. Any medical
related reviews posted are strickly the opinions of the writer. Our
opinions should not be considered medical advise. All medical
questions should be discussed with your physcian. You should consult
your physcian before starting any medication, supplements, exercise
program and using any medical devises. You may contact Figuring It
Out As We Go with any questions or comments at
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I Woke Up RICH This Morning..
How many people can say that they woke up filthy stinking rich out of the blue one morning? Well, I can, at least that's what I am told.
My youngest has many medical issues. Visiting doctors is a hobby of ours. We are always visiting a doctor. She was diagnosed with jaundice at her 3 day check up. She was jaundice at birth but her levels continued to rise after she was discharged. She spent her first weekend at home on a bili light. No biggie, all of my kids were jaundice and there was a quick fix. At her next appointment she wasn't eating. (This was the following week) I was forcing an ounce down her every 4 hours and she was spitting up 6 ounces for every ounce I got in her. Well, it seemed like it was that much. She lost over a pound so I know she wasn't eating nearly enough. That was the day that we became a CHD family. Her doctor, who happened to be a pediatric cardiologist, heard a murmur and performed an echo that day. She had 2 congenital heart defects. A PDA and an ASD. They happen to be the best heart defects to have. They were so small that they didn't have a horrible impact on her daily life. Her immune system wasn't the best in the world because her body was fighting the heart defects. (That's how her cardiologist explained it) We planned to repair them around 18-24 months and went about our lives normally waiting for the big day. This was just the beginning. Months and months of illness, fevers, seizures, hospital visits, and medications began. She was always sick or in the hospital. She always had a cold and snotty nose. She would get red skin blotches every single time she ate. I lost it so many times when she would eat in public and people would ask what was wrong with her. I had my fill of it one day when a man asked me that. Before I could think I popped off "What the fuck is wrong with your grown ass? Get some manners douche." Not my proudest or most even tempered moment. I had reached my limit. I was stressed to the max and no matter how hard we looked there were no answers. I told my husband it was getting to the point that I was scared to call the doctor's office. We see stories of parents with Munchausen by Proxy and I was terrified that they would dismiss her issues and say that I had MBP. It was not uncommon for us to be at the pediatrician's office multiple times in a week. She was labeled as high risk and her chart was thicker than everyone else's combined.
The worst and most memorable day was the first seizure. Thank God we were in the doctor's office. Once again she had a fever. We were called to the back after waiting for hours..no exaggeration..literally 4 hours in the waiting room. I fed her a bottle and then she kind of spaced out. She was limp and just laying in my arms, not responding to me. She started to twitch a little and I ran into the hall yelling for a nurse or doctor. One came and took her and told another to get a doctor. Within seconds we had 3 nurses and 2 doctors in the room. She was blue and shaking. I was hysterical. I just knew I wouldn't be leaving with her. One doctor said to get a crash cart and call an ambulanace. The other yelled for medicine. A nurse hooked her to a pulse ox monitor. Another nurse came back to say they didn't have the meds the doctor ordered and she yelled at her to get whatever they had. The other doctor was trying to talk to me and was telling me her O2 levels were high enough to keep her alive, that she was blue but it was ok and not to be upset. Umm..yeah right..I'll just calm down. The doctor gave her medicine and said she was having a seizure. The first dose didn't stop it so she was given a second dose. She stopped shaking and was laying there unresponsive and grunting. She finally turned pink again and her O2 levels rose. The ambulance finally arrived and when we got to the ER her temperature was 104. The doctor actually left an office full of patients to come to the ER with us. She had a head CT and it was determined she had a febrile seizure. The good thing: febrile seizures do not cause brain damage, they basically reset the body. The bad thing: I was now a permanent wreck and have been extremely paranoid every time I hear a sneeze. My mind knows they can't harm her but no parent can think rationally in the middle of a seizure.
I am actually thankful for that seizure. That seizure resulted in us finding her current doctor. After months and months of me saying something is wrong someone finally listened. We moved to his office and the fun filled life of specialists began. Her doctors include: pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist, cardiac thoracic surgeon, geneticist, ophthalmologist, pediatric endocrinologist, asthma and allergy center, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and yearly kidney scans. It's a lot.
Just before she turned 1 she was diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome. This is a rare genetic condition that causes many issues, the most noticeable is excessive growth. She is 2 and is the same size as her 6 year old brother. She learned to sit up and crawl around her first birthday with the help of a wonderful physical therapist. It's been a long road.
A few months ago she was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified. She has mega meltdowns and hurts herself. It was at this point I decided to apply for disability on her behalf. We have medical bills out the butt and I was hopeful that this would help her. I was shocked when they found her disabled. I'm told that it normally takes several appeals for them to actually acknowledge that a person is disabled. The only other hurdle - passing the income qualifications. I wasn't aware but when children are classified as disabled they do not receive any assistance if parental income is over a certain amount. Well, guess what..according to the Social Security Administration I am wealthy! I wish I had known that before!! She gets nothing..no help at all. Thanks for having my back government.
Now I am beyond pissed. Why do people that choose to be unemployed get handed housing vouchers, food stamps, Medicaid, TANIF, SSI, and 100 other programs? It's easy for people to say go get a job to cover her doctor's bills. I tried that. It lasted 2 days. It was 2 days filled with her having a meltdown from the time I left her until I picked her up. 2 days of her throwing up constantly from crying so much. Children on the autistic spectrum can not process change like we can. Me leaving her at daycare having a fit is not the same as leaving another child at daycare. Her "fit" doesn't end..not after a few minutes, a few hours or even a few days. She has a routine and she can't vary from it. It's not as simple as her adjusting to a new environment so I stay at home with her. That's what she needs right now and she comes first.
I am single handedly responsible for death and dismemberment of multiple trees. Between her paper chart, medical records I have requested for new doctors and the amount of bills I receive from her doctors I have killed a forest. It's ok now that I know I am rich..I'll just pay someone to replace all of the murdered trees. I hate seeing the mail lady. I cross my fingers and pray the entire way to the mailbox that I don't have a bill, letter of denial, or letter saying we will no longer be covering (insert doctor, test or medication..we have gotten them all.) I am currently in a battle to get her PDD behavioral meds covered. It's not going so well at the moment. I dread January and August of every year. That's when the big tests happen. Blood work, echos, vision checks, scans..doctors, radiologist..we get to visit with all of them, pay a nice copay and then watch the mail box for the bills to flood in. We make it, Ainsley will never miss an appointment even if I have to sell a kidney to pay for it. BUT Ainsley did not ask to be sick. She did not ask to have so many medical conditions that can not be cured. What we did ask for was help with her medical bills and was denied assistance because apparently we can afford to pay for it all.
She has speech once a month because that's all the insurance will cover. She doesn't have ABA because they won't cover that. The insurance company won't pay for it, the wonderful government wont help cover it and that leaves me paying for it or Ainsley not having it...because once again...I am rich. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think we are entitled to having free medical care for her. I am pissed that we requested ASSISTANCE with them and were denied while other people get a free ride because they chose to be in the situation they are in. They don't pay ANY medical bills because they chose to sit at home and not get a job.
Why shouldn't I be pissed that people choose not to work and get all of these things for FREE. I didn't even ask for it to be completely free. Brandon works 5 days a week and then works from home on the weekend. He works for a good company that covers 80% of our insurance premium and 50% of our deductible. I would be royally screwed if it weren't for that. He has great benefits. He gets a company car and they cover all of the gas for private and personal use. I really enjoy that since my vehicle is getting close to 100k miles. 100k miles in 5 years..that's a lot of trips to Jackson to see doctors. His salary is good. Our bills are paid on time. Well most of them..you would think that I wouldn't forget to put the 3 bills that have to mailed in the mailbox every month but they always sit on the bar for a week until I accidentally find them and kick myself for forgetting them AGAIN. We eat and we see doctors..and that's OK because Ainsley being alive is work giving up every penny that comes into this house.
I am still pissed though.. If Brandon ran off with his nonexistent secretary tomorrow all of my problems would vanish. Ainsley would have free health care and even get a little check a month. That's fucked up no matter how you look at it. We support people capable of supporting themselves, yet refuse to ASSIST people that work. I have a great group of autism/sotos moms that I talk to, it's amazing and every single one of them say the exact same thing. No matter how much money you make special needs children always need more..more therapy, more doctors, more more more.
I have been told several times she can receive disability the second she turns 18 because our income will no longer matter. Well, I don't want your damn check when she turns 18. I want her to get the therapies she needs now so she won't NEED your stupid check when she is 18. I'm not raising her to be a disabled adult. I am raising her understand her limitations and to find ways to cope with them and lead a happy productive life. If Uncle Sam had half a brain he would realize that by assisting children in getting the therapies they need once they are adults they will be able to support themselves and not need their stupid disability check for the rest of their lives. Well, that just goes to show our government is about as stupid as an emu with its head stuck in a hole. After all, I have seen people received disability checks because they are drug addicts or because they are obese. I'm sorry but you aren't disabled because YOU CHOSE to snort crack or because you made the decision to eat cookies instead of green beans. Those are not reasons that should qualify you to receive disability for the rest of your life. I can understand it for people that have medical reasons for being overweight but not for someone that just has poor eating habits. And I don't have an issue with people being overweight, just the whole disability check for it thing.
I know that the government is not one to piss off and if they happen to see this I will probably be audited next year as pay back but I don't care. To the US government: Here is a big fat middle finger to you! And on Ainsley's 18th birthday I will be sure to send you a video of how amazing she is doing WITHOUT any assistance from you along with a letter detailing why she does NOT need your stupid disability check.
Monday, September 29, 2014
iPhone Holder SiliGuy - Review
Ok, isn't he just the cutest little thing you have ever seen? He likes to hang out above my desk..
Relax beside my printer..
Chill out with the power cord. His favorite place of all is my rear view mirror but I didn't think it would be safe to play photographer while driving :)
I recently received the opportunity to review the SiliGuy iPhone. He is so stinking cute! I shouldn't have this much fun with a phone holder lol.
I have really gotten some excellent use from this product. I use it in the car while driving. It's great on my desk while I am working because I can just glance up and see if I get a call or message. He has held my phone while I cooked. He worked great when I was making a recipe from Pinterest the other night. He worked like an easel and held my phone so I could see the screen to follow the recipe. Eventually I named him Fred and now Fred goes with me everywhere.
My favorite thing about Fred is that he can be used anywhere with any phone. His handy head will wrap around nearly any surface. I haven't had a single issue with any of the places that I have used him. He always floats safely. His arms and legs are also very strong. I was worried that after a while they may begin to wear and eventually break. After having him for a few days I don't think that will be the case. He is very well made and very durable. I love that once I upgrade I will still be able to use him. His arms and legs can be adjusted to fit all types and sizes of phones. He is very versatile and can hang out anywhere that you are, all while keeping your phone safe from spilled drinks. I'm hooked on his cuteness factor. Who wouldn't love a SiliGuy hanging in their car??
As far as the facts: SiliGuy comes with a 365 day money back guarantee, any problems and they will refund your money. He is made from sturdy flexible silicone. He is sold through Innovative Design 101 on Amazon at the following address: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00L3NJK18/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Seriously, SiliGuy is a great product that I have really enjoyed. He would be an excellent stocking stuffer for any teenage driver or adult that owns a cell phone. He is an interesting conversation starter and a very handy holder to have around. I love my SiliGuy!!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Figuring It Out As We Go received this product for free or at a
discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased
review. The opinions stated are those of Figuring It Out As We Go
and do not reflect the views or opinions of the sponsoring company,
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Figuring It Out As We Go are tested and reviews contain an honest
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on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience.
Figuring It Out As You Go does not offer medical advice. Any medical
related reviews posted are strickly the opinions of the writer. Our
opinions should not be considered medical advise. All medical
questions should be discussed with your physcian. You should consult
your physcian before starting any medication, supplements, exercise
program and using any medical devises. You may contact Figuring It
Out As We Go with any questions or comments at
Personal Life..They No Longer Exist
I'm sure we are all familiar with social media. I remember the beginning..My Space. I loved My Space during it's day. It wasn't for the social media reasons of today. I liked playing with my page, making it pretty and changing out the songs on my page to fit my mood for that hour. My Space was safe. People posted pictures occasionally and quick messages about big events in their lives. I think the majority of time on My Space was spent trying to make a profile that put everyone else's to shame.
And then things changed. We woke up to the world of Facebook. I can remember the day I opened my Facebook account. My manager made an announcement that everyone in the company was required to create a Facebook and Twitter account and to have the apps on their phone to show customers how to use them. Thinking back I realize that was to get people addicted to mobile apps so that they could increase the sale of smart phones. I fought it. I didn't want a Facebook page and I certainly did not want a Twitter page. They were ugly. No way to customize them..just a plain ugly page that looked identical to every other user's page. I was not impressed. Eventually I was forced to give in and I entered the world of Facebook and Twitter. I fought the overwhelming urge to post "I want to kick my boss in the throat" as my first post. I found myself wanting to post that rather often, but I resisted the urge. I could see what was coming and I warned everyone that I knew. As Facebook began to grow I knew that eventually it would be used against every member. And it has been. It's not the fault of Facebook. It's OUR fault. We publicly rant, rave and complain about everything..we put it out there for the world to see without realizing the consequences. I personally know people that have lost their jobs due to Facebook. As I said, I often wanted to post how stupid my employer was but I knew better. I knew that privacy setting were a joke and if someone really wanted to see your page they could find a way. Now we have future employers checking Facebook pages before they even schedule an interview. The drunken photo from 3 years ago could be the reason that you didn't receive a call. All of the things we went out of our way to hide during an interview are now proudly displayed for everyone to see and judge us by. Next we have the TMI posts. I post a lot of meaningless things on my personal page but I have never entered the world of TMI. People, no one wants to know that you just pooped, what color it was or to see a picture to diagnose what condition have. That's what WebMD was made for. Use it and fight the urge to post your 476 possible conditions, all of which include something very very disgusting.
We all know who Ray Rice is. Some of us, me included, had no clue until his private life suddenly became public knowledge. In case you have been lucky enough to live under a rock and miss the never ending media coverage I will give you a quick run down. He was caught on camera beating the crap out of his then, girlfriend. Since, he lost his job as a running back for the Baltimore Ravens. I don't condone a man hitting a woman or a woman hitting a man except in the case of self defense. I feel if a woman is bad enough to punch a man she is bad enough to get smacked back..and that works both ways. If a man hits a woman she should find the biggest object in her house and knock him smack in the head with it. We have a big issue with these crazy ass women beating the hell out of their men and it is taken as a joke because a man is man. He is bigger and stronger so he should be able to defend himself. Remove the fact that most men are raised to know that hitting a woman is the biggest sin of all. They are viewed as weak and other men (and woman) find them less of a man because they took a beating and didn't hit her back. I will never judge a man that knocks some crazy bitch off of him. Like I said, if you can dish it out then you can take it.
I don't believe that Ray Rice should have been fired because of this. His now wife is defending him, saying that the media caused him to lose his job and she is right. I think she is an idiot for staying with him and getting married after the incident but, she has a point. This incident had nothing to do with his job. The Ravens didn't lose any fans because he beat the hell out of his girlfriend. It was horrible and in cases like this, regardless of if the woman wants to press charges, the state should. The have enough evidence to convict him of domestic violence/assault and they should do just that. But, back to my point, this happened in his personal life. Not on the football field, not at a team sponsored event..this happened when he was off work during his personal time. It should not have any weight in his professional life. He is appealing this, which I agree he should do. Just so I am clear..I think he is a pathetic, sorry excuse for a man and that he should be punished for what he did. He needs anger management, he needs to learn respect for women and he needs to spend some time in jail thinking about the person that he is. As far as his job, that's not a factor. If firing people for their personal decisions becomes the norm then no one's job is safe. Where does it stop? People are being fired for things they post on Facebook. That little harmless rant about your boss being a jackass just cost you your job. Should you really be fired for typing something that you say to your friends and family daily? I don't think so. Employers justify it by saying that you are producing negative publicity that will affect the company. Does it really? How often have you taken your business elsewhere because of a post that said "My company doesn't care about their employees. A Saturday off would be nice occasionally"? I'm sure that it is few and far between that a post actually causes any damage. I can understand terminating an employee over something extreme such as saying they plan to burn the building down or bragging that they are stealing products.
I know that beating a woman and ranting are not equal but they both do fall under choices made in our personal lives. We have opened the door to allowing our employers to see our deepest, darkest secrets and by the time most people figure out why that is such a bad idea it's too late. We should have the right a personal life without worrying that it will cost us our job. At the most the company should be able to comment and dispute what you are saying, to share their view of the situation. The NFL should have released a statement saying that they do not agree with or support the actions of their player and dropped it. No suspension, no termination. They are not his mother or law enforcement and it is not their place to punish anyone's bad behavior.
This is just the beginning. Social media has allowed businesses to monitor every aspect of an employee's personal life and to bring it into the workplace. A person can not be fired for a disability but they can be for an opinion. Whether or not we agree with their actions or opinion we should all be able to see that this is not something that we should happy about.
Figuring It Out As We Go does not condone domestic violence in any way. If you or someone you know are the victim of domestic violence please seek help through your local authorities or domestic violence center. No one, man or woman, should be fearful of their partner. If you are or have been aggressive toward your partner please seek help through your physician. There are programs available to help you control your anger and resist the urge to harm someone. Figuring It Out As We go believes that all people, regardless of sex, are equal and deserve to be treated with respect. All opinions are those of Figuring It Out As We Go and do not reflect the opinions of the site hosting this post. We may be contacted at figuringitoutaswego@gmail.com.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Apothecary Extracts 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil - Review & Giveaway
Update: 10/01/14 It's time for a giveaway! It's very simple to enter. Bring on the Facebook likes! For every person you refer to the Figuring It Out As We Go Facebook page you will receive one entry. The person that you refer must like our page and comment on the giveaway post who sent them. You will also receive 1 entry for sharing the giveaway post. Entries will be accepted beginning immediately and ending at 11:59p.m. on October 15.
You can view more information on this product at http://www.amazon.com/Australian-Potency-Aromatherapy-Household-Cleaning/dp/B00GF1NZLY/ie=UTF8?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&keywords=tea+tree+oil
Update: 09/30/14 Apothecary Extracts has graciously offered to sponsor a GIVEAWAY! Please check back tomorrow for instructions on how to enter!
I recently received the opportunity to review Apothecary Extracts 100% pure Australian tea tree oil. Prior to this review, I was not aware of what tea tree oil is or the many uses for it.
Once I was accepted for this review I immediately began researching this product to learn different ways of use. I was shocked by what I learned. One reports shows that tea tree oil is as effective as Mupirocin in treating MRSA. Ains has a problem with staph on her foot and we always have a few tubes of Mupirocin lying around the house. Another study shows that it is effective in treating acne when applied topically and another shows that it treats athlete's foot as well as over the counter medications.
There are many more uses for tea tree oil outside of medical use. It can be used as a cleaner, laundry freshener and even for pest control. The uses for this product are limitless.
Since I am a neat freak (you couldn't tell that today) I decided to use it for cleaning. When I received the product I mixed 1 teaspoon with a gallon of water and put it in a spray bottle. I wanted to tackle the hardest room first so I headed straight for the bathroom. I figured if this would cut through the soap residue on my shower door as well as my homemade cleaner does then it was a keeper. And it did..I actually think it worked a little better than my recipe. I also used it to clean the rest of the bathroom, the kitchen counters and sprayed some on the floor to do a fast spot mop. It worked great in all areas.
I make most of our cleaning products because I get migraines from strong chemical odors and the kids have very sensitive skin. This product does not have a strong smell and is natural so there are no strong chemicals. Once diluted there is a faint, nice, clean smell. The 4 ounce bottle that I received is huge! I have been cleaning with the same bottle of mixture for several days and have not used half of it yet. At this rate, this 1 bottle of tea tree oil will last me several months. According to their website 1 bottle lasts on average a year. From my use of it I think that their estimates are very reasonable.
I plan to mix up more this weekend to mop with. I have some skid marks on my kitchen floor from the kids playing with riding toys. I normally have to scrub them but I am hopeful that I wont have to do that this time. During my research I read on several sites that tea tree oil can be dangerous for animals. To be extra safe I am going to do my cleaning while the dogs are outside and not let them back inside until it has dried.
I am very pleased with this product so far. Every order includes a free Ebook with directions and recipes to help you learn the most common uses of tree oil. Apothecary Extracts is a fairly new company, opened in 2013. Their products are currently sold exclusively on Amazon. After reading some information on this company I learned that they use the purest oils and have tested them to assure that. It comforts me to know that this is a product that I can safely use around the kids.
You can learn more about this product by visiting: http://www.apothecaryextracts.com/ If you are interesting in purchasing this product you can do so by visiting their Amazon listing at: http://www.amazon.com/Australian-Potency-Aromatherapy-Household-Cleaning/dp/B00GF1NZLY/ie=UTF8?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&keywords=tea+tree+oil
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I'm Not "That" Mom
We all know "that" mom. She is Super Woman. She is Michelle Duggar on steroids. That mom that is a member of the PTO, is at every field trip, every class party, every pep rally. She makes cookies for the class because it's Tuesday and all of the neighborhood kids can be found at her house after school. She never yells. Her house is spotless. She is completely dressed, hair fixed and make up on during parent drop off at 7:30 a.m. Her days are spent planning family fun activities. She is perfect..and she makes the rest of us sick.
I am not a member of the PTO, they would probably kick me and my big, loud mouth out after the first meeting. I don't usually make field trips that start before 9:00 a.m. I do normally make it to class parties because they are in the afternoon. I don't go to pep rallies. My daughter is not a cheerleader and my son is in 1st grade. Why would I even consider going to a pep rally?? I don't exactly have pep flowing from me..I certainly don't at 8:45 a.m. I don't make cookies. I can buy a pack of Oreos, but I don't bake. I yell constantly. Even when the kids are at school I am yelling at them. They seem to have caught some form of hearing loss and can only hear me when I scream at the top of my lungs. My house looks like the Hurricane Katrina after photos. I am not dressed at parent drop off. Hell, I'm not even awake. The husband drops the kids off on his way to work everyday. I spend my days trying to get at least 1 room completely clean before the kids get home which usually results in me messing up more rooms that I get clean. I am not perfect, I am a regular mom.
I love my kids. I love them more than anything but I do enjoy those few hours a day when the majority of them are at school. Until 3:00 p.m. every weekday I don't have to break up fights, do homework, study, make projects, bathe kids and cook huge meals. It's like a mini vacation at home. Occasionally, when the shortest one lets me, I even get to sit down and watch a show on television. It's amazing!
It is completely possible to love your kids and not like them all at the same time. I don't like my kids very much when they are screaming and throwing things. I would really love to have a babysitter to send them to on those days. I don't have to be up their butts all day everyday for them to know that I love them and that I am always here for them. Instead of being "that" mom, I'm just mom. They enjoy their time at school away from me just as much as I enjoy it. I miss them some days and I'm always ready for the weekend to have them home for a couple of days but overall, I enjoy my few hour long break. They need to have their independence. They need to have some type of a life outside of me. A chance to make their own decisions and learn how to grow up.
Cozia Julienne and Vegetable Peeler - Stainless Steel - Review
I recently received the Cozia Julienne and Vegetable Peeler, in Stainless Steal, to review. I was very excited because my peeler had recently broken.
Since finding out that I have a gluten allergy my fast and easy meal is potatoes. We usually use around 5 lbs of potatoes a week. There are a lot of us and we really like potatoes so I spend a lot of time peeling. After my peeler broke I started peeling all of my veggies with a knife. It's not nearly as easy and I end up using twice as many vegetables because I waste a lot.
I have been very pleased with this peeler. I use it 4-5 times a week and have not had any problems with it. It works perfectly and clean up is simple. There is a cleaning brush included with the peeler but it is also dishwasher safe. I haven't tried it in the dishwasher yet because its so simple fast to rinse off.
This peeler isn't just for veggies. It works great on fruits also. I have used it on apples with no problems at all. I was so proud of how pretty my peeled apple looked that I almost couldn't bring myself to eat it :) It leaves fruits and veggies very smooth.
This is the best peeler I have used. You will not find another made as well as this one anywhere any where near this price. It is very affordable and would be a great addition to every kitchen!
If you are interested in purchasing this product you may do so through this link: http://www.amazon.com/premium-julienne-vegetable-complete-cleaning/dp/b00jmqkl6g It would make a wonderful Christmas gift for the chef in your family!
Figuring It Out As We Go received this product for free or at a
discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased
review. The opinions stated are those of Figuring It Out As We Go
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additional sites that may host this review. All products reviewed by
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on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience.
Figuring It Out As You Go does not offer medical advice. Any medical
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questions should be discussed with your physcian. You should consult
your physcian before starting any medication, supplements, exercise
program and using any medical devises. You may contact Figuring It
Out As We Go with any questions or comments at
Friday, September 26, 2014
Learning Through Play
This post brought to you by Zyrobotics, LLC. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Figuring It Out As We Go.
Most everyone is aware of #3, Ainsley. She has a rare condition called Sotos Syndrome and was recently diagnosed with PDD-NOS. The past few months have been filled with speech therapy, fighting everyone under the moon to get her into programs that she needs and my final decision..to do it all myself because finding programs for her is not easy at all.
I was given the opporturnity to test a new application from Zyrobotics, a children's game called Turtle Invaders. Simply put, your child has to squirt the invading turtles using an octopus. It gets a little harder though. The turtles and octopus are swimming across the screen and you have to time the squirts just right or you miss the invading turtles. It's a little challenging in the beginning. I played for a few minutes to show Ainsley how to do it. I'm an adult so I, of course, scored perfectly and did not get hooked on it until Ainsley jerked it out of my hand so she could play. Ok ok, it was fun lol! Adults can play too!!
I have a lot of apps! Any and every app that says anything about benefiting special needs children is on either my phone or Ipad. I was so excited when our speech therapist gave me the names of several educational apps that also help with delays. Unfortunately, most games intended to be educational are "too" educational. Children, especially younger ones, have to be tricked into learning. She would much rather close out the educational games and scroll over to a real game.
The best part about this app is that it is a REAL game AND it is educational. It holds her interest and she is improving her motor skills..without even knowing it! She is beginning to realize that she has to squirt the turtle before it actually swims above the octopus, this may s eem unimportant but it's not. Children with motor and cognitive delays benefit from activities like this and the improvements from this practice are extraordinary. In the world of special needs finding something that benefits your child AND is ejoyable for them is not as easy to find as you would think. This app is also free of ads ads and in-app purchases! This means no annoying pop ups to break your child's concentration. No pop-ups is a big deal for parents of kids on the autistic spectrum..1 little pop-up can result in 1 major meltdown!
I am thrilled that I happened upon this application and Ains loves it! It is available for down load in the Apple and android markets. It was even a free application!! You can go download Turtle Invaders directly by following these links: iTunes Download Link Google Play Link
Most everyone is aware of #3, Ainsley. She has a rare condition called Sotos Syndrome and was recently diagnosed with PDD-NOS. The past few months have been filled with speech therapy, fighting everyone under the moon to get her into programs that she needs and my final decision..to do it all myself because finding programs for her is not easy at all.
I was given the opporturnity to test a new application from Zyrobotics, a children's game called Turtle Invaders. Simply put, your child has to squirt the invading turtles using an octopus. It gets a little harder though. The turtles and octopus are swimming across the screen and you have to time the squirts just right or you miss the invading turtles. It's a little challenging in the beginning. I played for a few minutes to show Ainsley how to do it. I'm an adult so I, of course, scored perfectly and did not get hooked on it until Ainsley jerked it out of my hand so she could play. Ok ok, it was fun lol! Adults can play too!!
I have a lot of apps! Any and every app that says anything about benefiting special needs children is on either my phone or Ipad. I was so excited when our speech therapist gave me the names of several educational apps that also help with delays. Unfortunately, most games intended to be educational are "too" educational. Children, especially younger ones, have to be tricked into learning. She would much rather close out the educational games and scroll over to a real game.
The best part about this app is that it is a REAL game AND it is educational. It holds her interest and she is improving her motor skills..without even knowing it! She is beginning to realize that she has to squirt the turtle before it actually swims above the octopus, this may s eem unimportant but it's not. Children with motor and cognitive delays benefit from activities like this and the improvements from this practice are extraordinary. In the world of special needs finding something that benefits your child AND is ejoyable for them is not as easy to find as you would think. This app is also free of ads ads and in-app purchases! This means no annoying pop ups to break your child's concentration. No pop-ups is a big deal for parents of kids on the autistic spectrum..1 little pop-up can result in 1 major meltdown!
I am thrilled that I happened upon this application and Ains loves it! It is available for down load in the Apple and android markets. It was even a free application!! You can go download Turtle Invaders directly by following these links: iTunes Download Link Google Play Link
Cellulite with Retinol & Caffeine and Body Firming Cream - Review
Well, curvy may be the new trend BUT it's more of a smooth curvy..not cottage cheese thighs. Yep, I went there. I'm not saying that only tight and toned women are beautiful. If you are happy in your skin then you ARE beautiful no matter what any magazine, trend or person says.
I'm not unhappy with my appearance. Well, at the moment I am but that's because I just rolled out of bed and haven't even brushed my hair today. I have that 10 pounds that everyone wants to lose and a few spots that I would like to firm up but it doesn't bother me enough to drop the candy bar I am currently eating for breakfast. FYI..chocolate comes from cocoa which comes from a bean which makes it a vegetable plus it has milk and egg in it which are totally on the food pyramid..don't judge me.
I consider myself tall and have a small frame. The smallest amount of cellulite on me looks twice as big because I don't have a lot of places to hide it. It's probably not as bad as I think it is since we always judge ourselves harder than anyone else ever will. I remember telling my husband one time that I wish I was as small as a certain person. His reply: They outweigh you by at least 25 pounds. Oh, that was my bad. It could have been that their extra 25 pounds was made up entirely of boobs though lol.
Back on point..I recently received the opportunity to try and review Naturalico Cellulite Cream. I jumped on this opportunity. I read up and their previous reviews were excellent. I was walking to the mailbox everyday as the mail carrier was pulling away in hopes of seeing a beautiful brown Amazon box that said "Open me and have the thighs of your dreams". Finally...after what seemed like a year (it was actually only 2 days) it arrived! I opened it and just knew that I was going to apply this cream and when I got up the next morning I was going to be Jennifer Aniston's twin!!
I was still me the next morning. But I was ok with that lol :)
I started using the cream 11 days ago. I was happy to find, when I opened the bottle, that I wasn't hit with a strong chemical smell that made me smell like a factory. I have somewhat sensitive skin and I haven't experienced any issues. We are very limited on the soap/laundry detergent we can use because I break out very easily or itch like crazy and I didn't experience any of that with this product. It contains caffeine, retinol and green tea which have all been proven to help with firming skin. It's also made in the US which I found reassuring because I am cautious when using products produced outside of the US. Nothing against foreign products but I would prefer products that I know are held to the safety standards the US has in place.
After only using the product 10 times I have already started to see a difference. My skin has a tighter/firmer appearance. For a lack of better words it looks like my skin is thicker. I don't mean that in a bad way. My skin looks healthier and reminds me of the way it looked in my early 20's. I am now hooked on this product and will continue to use it daily.
If you are interested in purchasing this product you can do so by following this link to their Amazon posting: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/b00lm3l90y
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Figuring It Out As We Go received this product for free or at a
discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased
review. The opinions stated are those of Figuring It Out As We Go
and do not reflect the views or opinions of the sponsoring company,
Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube or any
additional sites that may host this review. All products reviewed by
Figuring It Out As We Go are tested and reviews contain an honest
opinion of the results. Figuring It Out As We Go makes no guarantees
on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience.
Figuring It Out As You Go does not offer medical advice. Any medical
related reviews posted are strickly the opinions of the writer. Our
opinions should not be considered medical advise. All medical
questions should be discussed with your physcian. You should consult
your physcian before starting any medication, supplements, exercise
program and using any medical devises. You may contact Figuring It
Out As We Go with any questions or comments at
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Apple Cake Recipe - It's Totally Worth It
I was sitting over here trying to figure out what I could possibly blog about tonight. It's not very often that I can't think of something to talk about..just ask anyone that knows me.
I got up to get my recipe box and the hub asked what I was doing. When I told him he instantly said "You should make one so you can put some photos on there. They want photos. Will you please make one?". Yeah, it's that good!
2/3 c. veg oil
2 eggs
3 c. peeled and diced apples (use GREEN apples..it makes a difference!)
1 1/2c. sugar
1 3/4c. flour
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. vanilla
1c chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Grease 9x13 pan
In a large bowl beat oil and eggs until foamy.
Add apples and sugar to egg mixture.
In another bowl mix flour and cinnamon.
Stir apple mix into flour.
Stir in vanilla and nuts.
Pour into pan and bake for 45-50 minutes (or until a toothpick is clean after you stab it)
This is very addictive so be prepared to eat until you feel like you will explode!
Arthur Falcone - A Musical Flashback
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Overnight Reputation for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
I'm not exactly old enough to remember the hard rock days. I watch old rock videos on YouTube and listen to the rock from the 70's and can't help but wonder what happened to music. Arthur Falcone is, what many would call, a blast from the past.
Today's rock music is not the real deal rock music of the past. Headbanging went out of style with painted faces and pounds of eyeliner. Music calmed down and rock & roll turned into country music with a faster beat.
I stumbled upon Arthur Falcone by accident. Listening to him play reminds me of the music of the past. That "something" that you can't find in today's music. I instantly think of Kiss, Tommy Lee and Van Halen when I hear him play the guitar. A refreshing reminder of what rock & roll began as and will always be to the people that have actually taken the time to experience the music of the past.
I am thrilled that I stumbled upon Arthur Falcone's music. I hope that his fan base in the US continues to grow and that we are able to hear new and amazing work from this artist.
If you are interested in checking out some of Arthur's music you can visit his fan page at Arthur Falcone
I'm not exactly old enough to remember the hard rock days. I watch old rock videos on YouTube and listen to the rock from the 70's and can't help but wonder what happened to music. Arthur Falcone is, what many would call, a blast from the past.
Today's rock music is not the real deal rock music of the past. Headbanging went out of style with painted faces and pounds of eyeliner. Music calmed down and rock & roll turned into country music with a faster beat.
I stumbled upon Arthur Falcone by accident. Listening to him play reminds me of the music of the past. That "something" that you can't find in today's music. I instantly think of Kiss, Tommy Lee and Van Halen when I hear him play the guitar. A refreshing reminder of what rock & roll began as and will always be to the people that have actually taken the time to experience the music of the past.
I am thrilled that I stumbled upon Arthur Falcone's music. I hope that his fan base in the US continues to grow and that we are able to hear new and amazing work from this artist.
If you are interested in checking out some of Arthur's music you can visit his fan page at Arthur Falcone
Amber Rose Heads For Splitsville #AmberRose #WizKhalifia
Breaking news in the celebrity gossip world: Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifia have filed for divorce. Rumors of infidelity are flying while the filed papers cite irreconcilable differences as the reason for divorce.
Rose hinted in a tweet today that infidelity, on the part of Khalifia, factors into the equation. Rose posted a tweet saying she would never cheat on her husband which was followed by a tweet saying "Unfortunately my now ex husband can't say the same".
Sources are quoted as saying the split is bitter which is understandable if adultery is a factor. The couple has only been married for a year and have a 1 year old son.
Most couples are still in newlywed bliss at this point of their marriage. It's hard to believe that a relationship can deteriorate into ruins before they have really had a chance to start their lives together.
With all of the celebrity adultery gossip brewing this "average" woman can't help but wonder why all of these men are cheating when they are married/dating super models. These men have everything..fame, money and a drop dead gorgeous woman on their hip. What more do they want? Why aren't they happy with what they have? Every man wants to be them yet they aren't content with it. The dirty side of having everything rears its ugly head.
Maybe this is what happens when you are "spoiled". You are never satisfied and always crave more. Maybe they were not meant to be and the alleged act happened because he wasn't happy..not an excuse, just a reason for it.
Whatever happened I hope, for the sake of their child, that they can reach a peaceful agreement and not let their differences and bitterness interfere with parenting the child they share.
#AmberRose #WizKhalifia #divorce
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Fried-less Fried Chicken - On The Cheap and Lazy
We all know that I hate to cook. More than anything, I hate to cook. I have named myself the queen of lazy recipes. If it takes more than 15 minutes of prep time I avoid it at all costs. When we have "good" food the husband normally cooks.
Everyone in my house LOVES fried chicken. I hate it. The smell of anything fried just makes me sick. Anything that's oily..pizza included, I just can't stand on a regular basis. I can smell the grease in the house for days after they fry something and end up scrubbing the entire kitchen in an attempt to get rid of that smell.
Well, since they love fried chicken I started to feel a little bad about not allowing it in the house. I'm over my guilt now that I have discovered fried-less fried chicken. Fried-less is a word. It means not fried. I wouldn't suggest looking it up in the dictionary or using it during Scrabble but it's a real word on my blog.
So here goes..the BEST fried-less fried chicken recipe you will ever find. It's so easy and I even like it!
Corn Flakes
Tony's seasoning
Garlic Salt
Lemon Zest
Chicken breasts
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Cover a baking pan with tinfoil and spray with cooking spray.
Pour Corn Flakes into a gallon size bag. The amount will depend on the number of chicken breast you are cooking. For 2 breasts I use about 2 cups of Corn Flakes. There is a lot left in the bag, so I am probably using too much.
Seal the bag after removing all of the air and crush the corn flakes.
Next, add the seasonings (Tony's, garlic salt and lemon zest) to the bag. I don't measure this, I just dump some in there :)
Shake the bag and mix everything up.
Dip the chicken breasts into the buttermilk and then add them to the cornflake mixture.
Seal the bag and shake it/toss it until the breasts are covered.
Place the chicken in the casserole dish and bake until the chicken is done. Usually about an hour.
It's that simple! And it tastes great! So much better and healthier than stinky old fried chicken!!
Gun Control - Yeah, I'm Going There
In Mississippi even mentioning the words gun control is enough to get your house burned down. In a state full of old Republicans the thought of limiting access to guns is a mortal sin and you will instantly become an outcast. It's understandable. Hunting is one of, if not, the most popular hobbies. Most men in the state have a large collection of rifles that they treasure more than their first born. You don't mess with a man's guns in Mississippi.
Not many like the idea of gun control. The main reason, they don't like being told that they can't do something or the idea of having rules. People are naturally rebellious and our first instinct is to disagree with any change. But is gun control really all that bad?
Why do civilians NEED high power military grade weapons? Why do they even want them? I don't see you shooting a deer with an AK-47 so why do you even want it? The majority of people opposed to the government limiting access to certain weapons don't own these weapons and have no interest in owning them so why do they even care? I'm not against guns in any way..we happen to have a gun cabinet that is overflowing in my house. Not a single fully automatic weapon in it. Why? Because I can't think of a single reason that we would ever need or use one. So why should I care if they are legal or not??
Mississippi has the open carry law. It as been praised since it went into effect. You are not required to have a permit to carry openly, a conceal carry permit is still required. Why are we so happy about this? If you are a law abiding citizen that wants to carry a handgun is getting a permit that big of an inconvenience? I think I would feel a little bit safer knowing that every person I see carrying a gun in town had to go through the process of getting a permit, instead of everyone being able to carry a gun as long as its visible. I find it hard to believe that everyone wouldn't be a little uneasy if they walked into a store and the person in front of them in line had a pistol on their side.
I get so tired of hearing the only thing that can protect you from a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun or if someone breaks into your house the first person you will call is a cop with a gun. Yes, I know that the first person I will call is a cop with a gun. I'm not against guns..but I'm not for every person in the state being able to openly carry a gun.
Did anyone think about the negative side of this? Let's say that Joe and Bob are out and about in town. Joe flirts with Sue, who just happens to be Bob's girlfriend. In the past Joe and Bob would have thrown a few punches. Now, Bob and Joe both have a pistol on their hip..what do you think happens next? Someone gets shot, and in the chaos it could be an innocent person that was just walking by.
Gun control will not stop criminals from getting weapons. We all know that criminals have no problem with breaking the law. But, what about the people that aren't criminals? What about the man that walks in on his wife cheating and is not thinking straight when he goes down the street to buy a gun to kill the boyfriend? What about the person who lost their job today, comes home to find their dog dead in the road and an eviction notice on the door? What if those people had to wait 72 hours to get a gun? They would probably have calmed down and realized that killing someone or themselves is not the answer.
I am not for gun control but I don't see the big deal with gun regulations. I actually think that everyone would feel safer with them. I'm not saying to take people's guns but waiting 3 days to get a gun because of a background check is not the end of the world. There are not many reasons that a person would need a gun immediately. It won't kill anyone if they have to wait 72 hours to get it and it may actually save someone's life.
Why I Stopped Giving Advise
By the time kid #3 rolled around I was an expert. Who needed medical school? I had 2 other kids..I had seen it all and knew how to treat it all, or so I thought. By #3 we were past late night visits to the ER because someone woke up with a 101 fever. No more calls to the doctor's office over strange red marks that appeared which were later determined to be some juice that I missed with the wipe. We didn't doctor's appointments..I just needed a nurse to answer the phone and call in what prescription I requested.
I knew it all so I didn't mind giving advise to any new mom that asked. I was happy to share my years of mommy experience. I was happy to tell them that the expensive diapers weren't worth it, giving them cereal at a few months old in their bottle helps them sleep and you don't have to run to the doctor for every fever, sneeze and cough. I thought I was being helpful.
#3 had a routine appointment when she was around 2 months old. It was no biggie. She has a little fever and runny nose but it was January so I didn't think twice about it. I was more concerned with what we would be picking up while we were at the doctor's office surrounded by kids that were really sick. It was a routine appointment but since she had a runny nose we didn't get the benefit of the well child waiting room. We had to sit in the room with the flu, strep and every other illness floating around our county. And that was all I was worried about.
We finished up her appointment and everything was great. As the doctor was walking out I mentioned that she was running a low grade fever but had a stuffy nose so it was probably nothing but a cold. Since she was only a few weeks old he agreed that it probably was but wanted a CBC just to be sure. A little while later he walked in and said ok, we are admitting her. I was in shock. I even asked him since when do you admit kids for a cold?! He told me her WBC was over 20 which led him to think she had a bacterial infection. It never crossed my mind that she could really be sick and I not be able to see it. I never considered that she could be hurting or feel terrible but couldn't tell me. I just assumed since she was snotty she had a cold.
We got to the hospital and had chest X-rays, strep and RSV swabs and a urinalysis to check for a UTI. I felt horrible. I should have known she was sick and not assumed I knew everything. Sometimes a cold isn't a cold.
Thankfully it ended up just being a virus. This was many months prior to us discovering that Ains has an insane response to any little virus. Her body goes into full blown fight mode over the smallest illnesses and that's why her white count was so high. Since that time a WBC doesn't really do us any good. Instead of admitting her I usually end up taking her in a few times to see if it's going down.
This taught me a lesson. I don't know everything. A cough can be just a cough or it can be pneumonia. A sneeze can be a sneeze or a sinus infection. A backache can be a UTI and a tummy ache can be GERD. Sometimes it's not as simple as we make it out to be.
I stopped giving advise after this. If someone asks me something I will tell them my opinion or my experiences with my kids but I don't tell them not to take their kids to the doctor over a fever, runny nose or cough. If you think your kids are sick you do what you think you should. Never let anyone tell you that you are being overprotective by taking them to the doctor for every little thing. You never know when that little thing isn't so little.
Lost In The Tsunami - Ebook Review
Book reviews are hard. At least they are for me. How do you write a review about a book without spoiling the book? Not as easy as you would think.
I really enjoyed this book. I want to post a blog telling you every little detail and how great it really was. Well, I can't tell you every little detail or you will never read it and you really should!!
I love based on a true story books/movies. Or at least ones that revolve around a real event and make it easy for you to relate it to the real world. I've never been into science fiction or anything that is just totally make believe. It's interesting to watch occasionally but I like to relate to what's going on in the story. It's so easy to get sucked into a book when you imagine the characters as real people. That was so easy to do with this book.
My husband is probably super excited that I finished it. Every moment I had my phone or ipad in my hands reading this book. I just couldn't force myself to put it down and when I managed to it didn't last but a few minutes. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire book. I felt myself becoming attached to the characters in the book and feeling their emotions.
It's not easy to write a book that keeps the audience so involved but this author has done just that. I refuse to give details of the book because you need to read this. I promise you will be glued to it just like I was.
Bad news for the husband..this book was so good that I will be reading it again, very soon! If you are interested in reading this book you can visit the following like to download it. http://www.amazon.com/lost-tsunami-dorit-silverman-ebook/dp/b00ndxm3bk
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Figuring It Out As We Go received this product for free or at a
discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased
review. The opinions stated are those of Figuring It Out As We Go
and do not reflect the views or opinions of the sponsoring company,
Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube or any
additional sites that may host this review. All products reviewed by
Figuring It Out As We Go are tested and reviews contain an honest
opinion of the results. Figuring It Out As We Go makes no guarantees
on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience.
Figuring It Out As You Go does not offer medical advice. Any medical
related reviews posted are strickly the opinions of the writer. Our
opinions should not be considered medical advise. All medical
questions should be discussed with your physcian. You should consult
your physcian before starting any medication, supplements, exercise
program and using any medical devises. You may contact Figuring It
Out As We Go with any questions or comments at
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Everything Binder CD - Review
I am a very organized person. I have a home management binder that has everything in it that I could ever need..or so I thought.
I recently received The Everything Binder CD to review. I have a home management binder and I thought I may find a few things that I need to add to it. I wasn't prepared to find out just how unprepared that I really am.
I am unprepared...really unprepared. So unprepared that I nearly had a panic attack and am now depressed because my whole organized life as I know it never actually existed. Yes, I take being organized very seriously. I love knowing that if I need a piece of paper from 5 years ago that it will take me all of 45 seconds to find it and I WAS so proud that in the event of an emergency that everything I need is in my handy dandy bug out binder.
And now I know it's not..
This CD contains over 100 pages that can easily be printed and added to your binder. There are tons of pages that never even crossed my mind to add to mine.
This CD is like an amazing Christmas present for an OCD/organization freak like myself. It's also a product that is needed in every home. I hate to talk about tragedy and what could happen but I also like that in the event of that happening I am prepared. I feel better during hurricane season knowing that all of my important documents are in one binder that I can grab as we are running out the door if we ever need to evacuate or if the house catches on fire.
I really believe that everyone would benefit from purchasing this CD!
You can find this CD for purchase at http://www.amazon.com/the-everything-binder-financial-organizer/dp/1614310157/ref=sr_1_4?ie=utf8&qid=1409290757&sr=8-4&keywords=michelle+perry+Higgins
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I Will Fight Til My Last Breath For My Kids But..
I would do anything for my kids. If they are wronged they know that their mother will move mountains to make things right. The downside to that is that the 13 year old doesn't tell me every little thing because she knows I will go completely crazy on someone. That's what parents do..
On the other hand, I will be the first to correct my kids. I don't automatically take their side. If they are in the wrong I let them know and then they work to correct their mistakes. I have told them from the time that they started school that I will be there for them through anything but if they get their butt kicked for being hateful then that's on them. I'm a tough love kind of parent. I don't think shielding them from the world teaches them anything and I certainly believe that there are consequences to every action and the sooner they learn that the easier their lives will be.
Mine are still fairly young. They aren't at the age that I have to worry about stupid Facebook posts, naked photo Snapchats and the dreaded boyfriend/girlfriend days. I still have it easy. I know that time is getting very close but I don't want to even think about it.
Recently a student at Germantown High School was transferred to alternative school. His family has since filed a lawsuit for a whopping $400k against the district because he was denied his right to an education and free speech. They are upset and devastated that their son took 1 semester of Spanish at Germantown and language classes are not available at alternative school.
Did I fail to mention why this young man is at alternative school in the first place? This young man received a photo on his cell phone from a female student at his school. This young girl sent a nude photo of herself to several other students. Major mistake on her part however, this young man decided the best thing to do was to create an Instagram account titled Whores of Germantown on which he then posted the photo.
The family feels that their suit is legit because the student handbook did not specify that this action is prohibited. How dare the school not list every single thing that a student could possibly think of doing. We should rely fully on the handbook provided at the beginning of the school year instead of taking responsibility for our children's actions and correcting them. By doing this these parents are basically condoning the actions of their son. Yes, the girl involved was wrong for sending the photo in the first place but that doesn't mean that she deserved to have it posted on the internet for the entire world to see.
The parents of this boy should be thankful. Their son could have and maybe possibly still will be charged with a list of CRIMES including distribution of child pornography. They think missing 1 year of Spanish class will ruin his life? Being labeled as a sex offender will probably have a larger impact than not being able to speak Spanish, and if they are so upset about that then buy him Rosetta Stone and move on. As far as his free speech rights..that's a joke, right? Their son has the right to post naked pictures of classmates online without their permission? I'm all for free speech but I can't imagine standing in front of the court house with my sign saying I should be able to post naked photos of anyone I want online.
If that were my son he wouldn't have to worry about going to alternative school. He wouldn't have to worry about leaving his room for a very long time. For starters, he would understand that what he did could have ruined the life of another person, that people have committed suicide over less than this and then he would be busting his ass doing everything possible to try and bring a small amount of peace to this poor girl's life. After that he would be going to every high school that would allow him and talking to the students about what he did and how it can ruin the lives of everyone involved. I can't see his education or ability to speak Spanish being anywhere near the front of my mind...I would be more concerned with the type of person that I was raising, with his complete disregard and disrespect for females. If my son even called a girl a whore it wouldn't be pretty at my house.
These parents need to understand what their son did was not just teenage fun and games. I'm sure if this happened to their daughter they would have a different opinion. I am not saying the girl is completely innocent in this but she did NOT deserve what happened because she made 1 dumb decision. This boy's parents need to take this as seriously as it is and teach their son some respect for females.
I will defend and fight for my kids til my last breath if need be..but I won't blindly defend them when they mess up. I will not raise children that are disrespectful and uncaring.
Monday, September 22, 2014
True Sol African Mango Cleanse - Review

I had the opportunity to try and review the True Sol African Mango Cleanse. I was a little nervous going into this, for the above reasons. I researched them before I decided to do it and it calmed my mind a little. Not completely but a little.
I received the pills and nervously popped one. Nothing..at all. I was actually excited with the nothing at all results. Day two came around and I was considerably less nervous as I popped pill #2. Nothing..at all. Once again..not upset at all about the nothing. Day 3 rolls around and I was cool with it. I figured I got a bad batch or they just didn't do what they were suppose to. Well, day 3 I noticed some differences.
My stomach usually has this dull little pain. It feels like I am hungry. My stomach also feels uneasy most of the time. It's partly due to the gluten allergy and most likely the way I eat. Potato chips are a meal right?? Anyway, I noticed on day 3 that my stomach wasn't hurting and didn't feel uneasy. This was not something I was expecting from a "diet" pill.
I read up on this some more and saw that one study showed several medical benefits from taking this supplement. I was surprised when I read what people were saying about it.
I haven't been taking it for long. I haven't lost any weight yet but I'm not a fast loser. No matter what I take or what diet I do, it takes me longer. I took Adipex for 2 weeks and never lost a pound..seriously, and that stuff is prescription strength. I'm not at all surprised that I haven't lost any weight from this yet, but I was very happily surprised to see the other benefits of this.
If I never lose a pound from this supplement I will still be completely satisfied with the results I have had so far.
If you are interested in purchasing this product, you may do so by clicking the following link. http://www.amazon.com/true-african-mango-cleanse-plus/dp/b00mhyrbay/ref=aag_m_pw_dp?ie=utf8&m=a290kykhtgx1ya
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I Married A Sissy Boy
I married a
So, back on point. I married a sissy boy. I'm sure once he sits down and reads this that he will be giving me the evil eye by the time he gets this far.
One of my most favorite blogs ever is Daddy Doin' Work. You can find him at https://www.facebook.com/daddydoinwork?fref=ts. Seriously, I have a small obsession with this man. He is totally awesome! He is real and that is something that isn't so easy to find anymore. A lot of people blog about being a parent. They talk about the beauty, magic, pride and love of being a parent. Yes, It's a wonderful thing but..the devil was once an angel. It's not that often that people sit down and talk about the terrible 2's through 18's. Terrible 2's had nothing on the terrible 13's.
It's not common to find a daddy that can fix hair, find matching clothes and actually talks about it. For some reason a lot of men think that's "woman work" and that they aren't as manly if they do it.
Brandon helps with the cooking, cleaning and kids. He may not get to my level of clean, get the grass cut the moment (or week)that it needs to be cut or dress the kids in clothes that actually match but he tries. He put the kids to bed every night. He gets them up and dressed for school almost every morning. He changes dirty diapers. He does laundry. He cooks. He cleans. He helps with all of it. He lets the girls put make up on him and bows in his hair. They have even painted his nails a few times. Some people say that is a sissy boy...I think it's a grown man.
I'm not sure where this concept started that men are weak or less manly because they handle their responsibilities. Honestly, I think that men should be ashamed when they say they don't know how to work a washing machine or change a diaper. The big, bad, tough man can't figure out how to turn a knob to start or look at the diaper on the baby and figure out how to put on another one? Ok, then...congratulations on being a big, strong man that needs a little weak woman to provide you with clean socks and underwear..and for being so tough that you can't scramble an egg. Yeah, I believe that you can think up an amazing plan to escape from a raging serial killer that eats his victims but making a sandwich..that's just too complicated.
Some say that my husband is a sissy boy because of all that he does. If you feel that way, fine with me. You aren't bothering us one little bit. He grew up, unlike you. He understands that getting married isn't the same thing as hiring a maid and that raising kids isn't just for the mom. I hope that my son grows up to be just as big of a sissy as his dad!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Saturday Night In Death Valley
It is a pantheon of concrete and steel
It is a city that rises defiantly in the delta alongside the father of waters
It is the humidity of autumn evenings that drapes stately oaks and broad magnolias
It is haunted ... and it is loud.
It is Halloween night & Cannon blasts
It is a Louisiana gumbo of humanity that cheers its Tigers to victory & destroys the dreams of invading foes
Chance of rain is ... never!
It is the cathedral of college football & worship happens here
When the sun finds its home in the western sky it is a field of glory for sure ...
But much more than that it is a sacred place
And it is Saturday night in Death Valley
Dan Borne
When the sun sets and night falls on Death Valley may ALL you tigers roar.
I'm not a football fan. I don't count down the hours until a game starts. I don't keep up with players and stats...but I love LSU.
I was raised in Louisiana. If there was a Saints game airing on television we were watching it. If it wasn't on television we were listening to it on the radio. I was always confused by everyone yelling at the tv/radio as if the player could hear them. I've never been that interested. I don't yell and jump up and down. I don't get excited over every touch down or depressed over every incomplete pass.
I am proud of the fact that I was raised in Louisiana. There is no other place that compares. Miles and miles of beautiful cotton fields as far as the eye can see. Nothing is as beautiful as a field full of cotton. It looks like a beautiful winter snow. Traffic back ups caused by tractors is the norm. I grew up in north Louisiana.
Head down south and that's when it gets really cool. Have you ever met a real life Cajun..full blooded Louisiana coon ass? I was raised in the northern part of the state but I am convinced I have a little Cajun blood in me. I get called the "redheaded coon ass" a lot...a whole lot. I seem to have that well known short Cajun temper. For some reason these Mississippi people act like that is an insult. I just say thank you and smile :) I love to hear a real Cajun talk. It's just fascinating and awesome to me. It's amazing that 100 miles down the road life is completely different. There is no place in the world like south Louisiana.
Growing up there you inherit a loyalty to your state. People say Mississippi is full of fat dumb people and Louisiana is full of stupid coon asses. You have to stick together. My family was Saints fans before it was cool, back when everyone knew they weren't going to win a single game...back before the days of Drew. I cheer for the Saints but I love LSU.
My husband is an Auburn, Alabama, Southern Miss, Ole Miss...basically any team but LSU fan. I think he does it to screw with me. If we ever get divorced it will probably be because he smarted off 1 too many times about how LSU sucks and he can't stand all of us Louisiana people. I'm tempted to go drop him off in a bayou and let an alligator get him some days. I wonder if he even knows what a bayou is.
As I am typing this Mississippi State just scored..I'm going to hear about this for a while. You win some and you lose some...and it doesn't matter. LSU fans are unrelenting, no matter how bad the game is going LSU fans still believe in their team.
Death Valley - the stories behind it fascinate me. I have heard several versions, I don't think anyone knows for sure where it came from. One story is that the name originally started as Deaf Valley which later became Death Valley because fans thought they were saying death and not deaf. It is said that the roar of the crowd was so loud that you couldn't hear anything. That makes sense considering Tiger Stadium is the site of the Earthquake Game. In 1988, during a game against Auburn, LSU won 7-6. The crowd's reaction registered as a legitimate earthquake on the seismograph in the Louisiana Geological Survey office. How many other teams have generated an earthquake? I'm guessing not many if any.
It's not looking so good for LSU right now. That's ok though. You can't win them all.
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Death Valley - the stories behind it fascinate me. I have heard several versions, I don't think anyone knows for sure where it came from. One story is that the name originally started as Deaf Valley which later became Death Valley because fans thought they were saying death and not deaf. It is said that the roar of the crowd was so loud that you couldn't hear anything. That makes sense considering Tiger Stadium is the site of the Earthquake Game. In 1988, during a game against Auburn, LSU won 7-6. The crowd's reaction registered as a legitimate earthquake on the seismograph in the Louisiana Geological Survey office. How many other teams have generated an earthquake? I'm guessing not many if any.
It's not looking so good for LSU right now. That's ok though. You can't win them all.
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