Most everyone is aware of #3, Ainsley. She has a rare condition called Sotos Syndrome and was recently diagnosed with PDD-NOS. The past few months have been filled with speech therapy, fighting everyone under the moon to get her into programs that she needs and my final do it all myself because finding programs for her is not easy at all.
I was given the opporturnity to test a new application from Zyrobotics, a children's game called Turtle Invaders. Simply put, your child has to squirt the invading turtles using an octopus. It gets a little harder though. The turtles and octopus are swimming across the screen and you have to time the squirts just right or you miss the invading turtles. It's a little challenging in the beginning. I played for a few minutes to show Ainsley how to do it. I'm an adult so I, of course, scored perfectly and did not get hooked on it until Ainsley jerked it out of my hand so she could play. Ok ok, it was fun lol! Adults can play too!!
I have a lot of apps! Any and every app that says anything about benefiting special needs children is on either my phone or Ipad. I was so excited when our speech therapist gave me the names of several educational apps that also help with delays. Unfortunately, most games intended to be educational are "too" educational. Children, especially younger ones, have to be tricked into learning. She would much rather close out the educational games and scroll over to a real game.
The best part about this app is that it is a REAL game AND it is educational. It holds her interest and she is improving her motor skills..without even knowing it! She is beginning to realize that she has to squirt the turtle before it actually swims above the octopus, this may s eem unimportant but it's not. Children with motor and cognitive delays benefit from activities like this and the improvements from this practice are extraordinary. In the world of special needs finding something that benefits your child AND is ejoyable for them is not as easy to find as you would think. This app is also free of ads ads and in-app purchases! This means no annoying pop ups to break your child's concentration. No pop-ups is a big deal for parents of kids on the autistic spectrum..1 little pop-up can result in 1 major meltdown!
I am thrilled that I happened upon this application and Ains loves it! It is available for down load in the Apple and android markets. It was even a free application!! You can go download Turtle Invaders directly by following these links: iTunes Download Link Google Play Link
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